Remington Rand Noiseless Portable Typewriter - $325.00


10 1/2" X 11 1/5" X 6"

We have acquired a Remington Rand Noiseless Portable Typewriter #1 in perfect condition, including the case. The Remington Rand Noiseless Typewriter Company was formed in 1924 after a series of mergers. The company was headquartered in New York City, and was the center of strife between unionized workers and the National Labor Relations Board during the 1930s. This unit's last patent date was 1919, so it was likely produced about that time. This machine was the precursor of the Univac Company in 1951, the first producers of today's computers. An interesting history of such a wonderful and collectable unit. Typewriters are beginning to be a collectors dream, so don't miss your chance to get in on the ground floor!